
Over Samuel De Rycke

Samuel has a broad passion for nature and nature conservation. Since his studies, he has been organizing annual trips with nature experiences as the main goal. He also freezes his observations in a unique and narrative way in the form of pictures. A true all-rounder that is very appreciated by our team!

It was only when Samuel himself began to travel that his passion for nature fully flared up. From then on, traveling and studying nature took up an ever-increasing share of his free time and interest. Samuel likes to pass on his accumulated experience and passion through photography and guiding.

Bee-sty guide

Abroad, he mainly focuses on macrofauna, but he doesn’t ignore other groups. Within his own country, Samuel mainly has an eye for wild bees. He is also chairman of Aculea, the regional working group on wild bees and wasps within Natuurpunt.

Slow travel

If it’s up to Samuel, then he prefers to travel as long as possible. For example, he traveled 40 days through Central Europe, 60 days through Spain and Portugal by public transport or road-trip style, and combined Turkey with the bird of prey in Batumi, Georgia. He once traveled through India for months, did several road trips in the southwestern US, discovered Sri Lanka for 4 weeks, and went to Madagascar countless times. As a snack, Samuel regularly traveled to Morocco, Scandinavia, Zanzibar, the United Kingdom, Italy and Wallonia. An experienced traveler, therefore, that gives every group a carefree and unforgettable trip!

38 years old
Samuel De Rycke
Avontuurlijke reisbegeleider met een brede natuurkennis en passie voor fotografie
  • Fotografeert liefst soorten in hun natuurlijke habitat.
  • Houdt van Marokkaanse woestijnlandschappen en de lemuren en kikkers van Madagascar.
  • Is een echte roadtripper: voor natuurbeleving moet je de tijd nemen.